Evangelism   (4)
Each in His Proper Sphere—To every man God has appointed his work, according to his capacities and capabilities. Wise planning is needed to place each one in his proper sphere in the work, in order that he may obtain an experience which will fit him to bear increased responsibility.—Letter 45, 1889. (Ev 95.1) MC VC
Work Like Disciplined Army—Let us remember that we are laborers together with God. We are not wise enough to work by ourselves. God has made us His stewards, to prove us and to try us, even as He proved and tried ancient Israel. He will not have His army composed of undisciplined, unsanctified, erratic soldiers, who would misrepresent His order and purity.—The Review and Herald, October 8, 1901. (Ev 95.2) MC VC
Genius to Plan and Work—Genius is wanted, ability to devise and plan and work harmoniously. We want those who will labor, not merely to benefit themselves, receiving all they can get for their work, but who will labor with an eye single to the glory of God, for the rapid carrying forward of the work in various lines. This is a precious opportunity to reveal their devotion to the Lord’s work, and their capability for it. To every man is given his work, not for the purpose of glorifying himself, but for the glory of God.—Manuscript 25, 1895. (Ev 95.3) MC VC
Wise Planning Saves Overwork—I must urge that the workers shall have their work so planned that they will not become wearied by overwork.—Letter 17, 1902. (Ev 95.4) MC VC